20s Tea at the Huntington

August 19, 2012 - comments
On the Wednesday before Costume College Megan, Katherine, Sara, and I dressed in our best 20s summer frocks and headed to the Huntington Library and Gardens for tea.


Filed under: 1920s, Costume College, events

More on Costume College 2012

August 19, 2012 - comments
In case you aren’t familiar with it, Costume College is a 3 day conference focusing on all things costuming, from historical to movie to theater. During the day there are a variety of lecture and workshop classes taught by volunteers and the evenings are full of fun social events. Not only is it a great opportunity to get dressed up and see friends and fellow costumers, you also have ample opportunity to learn! Coming to L.A. from the other side of the country it’s quite an expensive trip for me, but I’ve gone five times now and it’s totally worth it!


Filed under: Costume College

Costume College 2012

August 14, 2012 - comments
I've been home from the epic California adventure that was Costume College 2012 for nearly a week now, but I've been struck down with some particularly vicious con crud. I've spent most of the past week in bed, but I did manage to upload my event pictures here.


Filed under: 1920s, Costume College, events

Hi! Remember Me?

July 22, 2012 - comments

Wow! Its been over a month since my last post. I apologize for the radio silence over here, but life will not slow down it seems. Between travel, work, and power outages, my sewing room has turned into a sweat shop as I've been frantically prepping for Costume College. With a little over a week until I leave for the convention I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the sewing tunnel, so I thought I would share a quick dress I made last month. 


Because We All Need More Purses in Our Lives

June 18, 2012 - comments
And continuing with the catch-up post theme, here is a little reticule I made recently. When I was still planning to wear 1790s to Dress U, I decided I needed a proper purse to hold all my crap. At the time, I only had one brown velvet reticule to use at events, and without the advantage of 18th century pockets, you really need a place to stash things like your cell phone, camera, money, etc.


Filed under: 1790s
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