My Blog » 20s Tea at the Huntington

20s Tea at the Huntington

On the Wednesday before Costume College Megan, Katherine, Sara, and I dressed in our best 20s summer frocks and headed to the Huntington Library and Gardens for tea.

Unfortunately, because of rental car troubles and traffic we ended up getting to the Huntington much later than planned so after tea we didn’t have time to explore the actual library and most of the gardens.  It didn’t matter though. The part of the gardens we did see were beautiful and we had a blast wandering around and posing for pictures with our props. It just means we have to go again next year to see the rest. Oh darn! ;)

I made my dress for this trip back in June, after I got home from Dress U. It’s made from a lightweight silk border print I found in the L.A. garment district a few years ago. It was on the sale table so I only had two panels to work with.

After multiple attempts to get vintage 20s patterns to work with my body, and wasting more fabric than I want to admit, I decided to start from scratch and use my first 20s dress to get a flattering dress. The 20s aesthetic can be very jarring to a modern eye and it’s deceptively difficult to get the right fit – loose without being a potato sack. I found a cross over front with a defined waist that hits at my hip and a full skirt is the most flattering look on my shape.  

For accessories I’m wearing a pink straw cloche trimmed with vintage ribbon, a vintage beaded necklace, and very inaccurate but cute Remix heels. I also have a vintage painted paper parasol and far too many 20s magazines. I also had an antique beaded purse, but forgot to take any pictures with it.

Posted: 8/19/2012 1:50:21 PM by Aubry | with comments
Filed under: 1920s, Costume College, events
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