The Plaid PB & J Skirt
Ugh. Has it really been two weeks since I posted anything? Honestly, I’m still in a rut and I haven’t had any desire to sew or do anything remotely productive. That being said, I’ve been slowing working on a pair of 18th century stays and I recently made myself a new skirt to wear once the weather cools down.

Posted: 9/19/2013 11:18:57 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Setting Goals
I’ve been decidedly unproductive since coming back from Costume College. You could say after all I made in the past year I’m allowed to take a break, but the truth is without any upcoming deadlines my inspiration is all over the place.  So I thought I would list out some things that I hope to accomplish in the next few months and that will hopefully keep me motivated.

Posted: 9/5/2013 11:56:55 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

