My Blog » More on Costume College 2012

More on Costume College 2012

In case you aren’t familiar with it, Costume College is a 3 day conference focusing on all things costuming, from historical to movie to theater. During the day there are a variety of lecture and workshop classes taught by volunteers and the evenings are full of fun social events. Not only is it a great opportunity to get dressed up and see friends and fellow costumers, you also have ample opportunity to learn! Coming to L.A. from the other side of the country it’s quite an expensive trip for me, but I’ve gone five times now and it’s totally worth it!

This year a few friends and I decided to extend our vacation and take a full week to explore a little more of southern California. We flew in Tuesday, spent Wednesday at the Huntington Library and Gardens, and Thursday at the beach (both days in costume of course). The next three days were spent at Costume College and Monday we rented a car and headed downtown to do a bit of fabric shopping. I spent far too much money but came home with tons of gorgeous fabric, most of which will be used in the next six months. But more on that later.

I must say that this year's Costume College was fantastic! Not only did I have a blast dressing up, but I atended some really interesting classes (my favorite being a lass on the 18th century - early 19th century social history of hair), and even taught my own class on artistic dress. This was my first experience in teaching a formal class, but I'm pleased to say its was well atteneded (a full room!). I team taught the class with my friend Sara, and though I'm not a very good public speaker, I managed to get through my presentation with minimal voice-shaking and no crying. ;) I was very nervous and did forget a few points because of this, but overall I'm very happy with the experience. I may even teach again in the future.

Posted: 8/19/2012 1:32:31 PM by Aubry | with comments
Filed under: Costume College
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