Garters Galore!

October 3, 2012 - comments
Sorry, but I can’t resist a goofy alliterative title. :)
Since my current obsession is all things 18th century, it probably won’t surprise you that I’ve been trying my hand at a few new accessories. It’s been on my sewing to do list for more than five years now to make a pair of knitted garters, as well as a pair of embroidered ones, but honestly I haven’t had the time or reason to do so until now. In the past it was always more pressing for me to get a new outfit finished; unnecessary accessories were always put on the back burner. Now, I am happy to say that last month I was able to cross both types of garters off my list!


Filed under: 1770s: accessories

First Piece of My Williamsburg Wardrobe Finished!

September 28, 2012 - comments
My wardrobe for my upcoming Williamsburg visit is coming along swimmingly and I'm happy to report that I have my first finished piece - a new brown wool petticoat.


Filed under: Williamsburg Wardrobe

Portfolio Up To Date!

September 26, 2012 - comments

I am happy to say my costume portfolio page is now up to date! I haven't listed everything I ever made, but I do have pages for several of my older costumes. Not only does it show where I started, but I feel it better represents my personal style as a whole. Please excuse the lack of decent pictures. I really didn't know what I was doing back then. ;)


New Portfolio Pages Up!

September 23, 2012 - comments
I've been hard at work updating my costume portfolio page:


1780s Riding Habit Scheming

September 14, 2012 - comments

I've wanted an 18th century riding habit for as long as I can remember (my childhood obsession with Felicitiy's riding habit being mostly to blame), and it’s been on my costuming bucket list for far too long. Since I will be visiting Williamsburg in the early spring rather than the brutally hot summer this year, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally make one! 


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