Costume College 2014

August 9, 2014 - comments
I’m home from my annual pilgrimage to southern California. Not only did I spend a lovely weekend at Costume College, I also extended my vacation to explore some more around L.A. I have fun things to share from both the Getty Villa and the Getty Center, as well as the Huntington Library. Also, I may have bought more fabric. Oops. But first, Costume College! Read more...

Last Minute Sewing

March 24, 2014 - comments
And I’m back! I had an absolutely wonderful time at the Millinery Through Time conference at Colonial Williamsburg last week. I have some fun tidbits to share, but first I will start with what I wore.


Revisiting an Old Favorite

April 10, 2013 - comments
In my original wardrobe plans for Williamsburg I had intended to make several new day outfits, but time got away from me and ended up pulling out my wavy print jacket and petticoat to wear instead. I have to say I’m really glad I did! When prepping for an event, it’s easy for me to get into the mindset that everything I wear needs to be new, so I often forget how much I enjoy rewearing favorite costumes. My events are so few and so spread out that it feels almost obligatory to make something new every time, but I’m resolving this year to focus on quality over quantity and make things I truly love and am proud of the construction.


The Finished Habit

April 5, 2013 - comments
Here is the first in a long serious of Williamsburg outfit posts. I'm sure you will be sick to death of seeing me by the end - sorry in advance! To start we have the finished 1790 riding habit:

A Week in Williamsburg

April 4, 2013 - comments
I'm back from my week-long Wiliamsburg adventure! I haven't quite recovered from all the fabulousness yet, but I have managed to upload my trip pictures. I plan to write individual outfit posts in the coming week, but for now enjoy: Read more...

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