In my original wardrobe plans for Williamsburg I had intended to make several new day outfits, but time got away from me and ended up pulling out my wavy print jacket and petticoat to wear instead. I have to say I’m really glad I did! When prepping for an event, it’s easy for me to get into the mindset that everything I wear needs to be new, so I often forget how much I enjoy rewearing favorite costumes. My events are so few and so spread out that it feels almost obligatory to make something new every time, but I’m resolving this year to focus on quality over quantity and make things I truly love and am proud of the construction.

(Inspecting the flowers with my birthday present, Lambkins.)
Anyway, back to the print. Since this is the fourth time I’ve worn this dress, I decided to dress it up with some new accessories. I finally got to wear the
brown silk mitts I made ages ago, and it was chilly enough to pull out
my brown cloak and pink satin muff.
But the best part I think is my new hat. As I mentioned before, hats are not my forte. I love picking a design for a hat or bonnet, as well as gathering all the materials but I often stall when it comes to actually trimming it. Thankfully, I had several helpers available in person to guide me. Starting with a basic straw hat, I trimmed the crown in ruched blue taffeta, then added puffs of silk gauze and accented that with vintage aqua and coral trim. I finished it off with a giant double bow but was stuck on how to cover the millinery wire I had sewn to the edge to shape the brim. My original plan was to echo the crown trimmings, but it looked like a tacky Victorian lampshade. Megan and Katherine to the rescue! They convinced me to switch to simple gauze puffs around the edge and I couldn’t be more pleased! (Plus Katherine was kind enough to stitch it down for me in exchange for my baking her a chocolate cake. Win, win!)

(Trying to look suitably pastoral.)

(Frolicking and scaring the tourists.)
4/10/2013 11:44:32 AM by
Aubry | with