My Blog » Costume College Plans

Costume College Plans and Instagram

Not much sewing has been going on around here lately. I’ve been busy with my garden and yard work (that time of year), as well as finally stripping some hideous wallpaper in my house. I also pushed myself too hard prepping for the Francaise Dinner and Williamsburg and have had to take a break from sewing to let my arm heal. But Costume College is just around the corner, and if I want something new to wear I’m going to have to get cracking!

I’ve decided to take things easy this year for Costume College. I don’t want to push my hand too hard again, so I will be dropping the court dress for the Gala. It makes me sad, especially since I already bought all that lovely silk taffeta, but it will be better for me in the long run. I’ll miss out on the group fun, but I look forward to seeing everyone else’s dress. I haven’t decided what I want to wear to the Gala yet, but I can always fall back on my chocolate francaise. It’s so pretty that I definitely wouldn’t mind wearing it again.

As for the rest of my Costume College wardrobe, I’m taking it one project at a time. First, I will finish up the 1790s print dress I posted about last month. I’ve pleated the back and assembled the lining and am ready to start working on the front panel. I will have some progress to share soon.

Other possibilities for Costume College include finishing my pink and grey habit or making a new open robe or evening spencer to go with my 1790s cross front dress but I'm waiting to see how my hand does after I finish the 1790s dress before I move on other projects. I even have some Game of Thrones ideas brewing, but I have to find the right fabric before I can move ahead with them.  Finding the perfect brocade for a Margaery Tyrell inspired dress is proving more difficult that I originally anticipated but I’m not giving up yet!

Finally, one last announcement. I've dusted off my Instagram account and plan to use it to share sneak peeks of in-progess costumes and of course, cat pictures. It will be an easy way to share my costuming progress more often. You can find me at
Posted: 5/13/2014 2:16:11 PM by Aubry | with comments
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