My Blog » A Ball in Bath

A Ball in Bath

This past summer, I was lucky enough to spend two weeks visiting England and Scotland with my good friends Katherine and Megan. It was my first time traveling abroad with other history lovers and costumers, and we packed a lot of fun stuff into the trip, including a week-long stay in Bath. I had visited Bath once before with my husband in 2012 but it was only a small part of the trip (less than 24 hours) and ever since, I’ve dreamed of coming back for a longer stay and in costume. It’s just too perfect! Now that I’ve managed to achieve that goal, I’m hooked and can’t wait to return. Jane Austen Festival I’m looking at you! The first of a series of posts about my trip is a picture-heavy recap of the time I went to a ball and came home drenched in champage.

On our second evening in Bath, we attended The Bath Minuet Company Georgian Ball at the Guildhall. From the outside, the building seems almost unassuming, made from simple Bath stone, but step inside and it’s a candy box of Georgian splendor. The hall and ballrooms still have their original 18th century moldings, chandeliers, and paintings.  It was my first costume ball, and really, I couldn’t have had a better introduction. It was magical to watch all the costumed dancers twirling around in a room with all its original period décor.

I managed a few snaps of the ball room and my friends before the dancing began.

One of my favorite parts of the evening was watching Katherine dance. Her ball gown had the most wonderful ribbon streamers that twirlled with every turn!

I spent most of my time just enjoying the scenery, but I was convinced to dance once. Thanks to Megan and her very patient husband, I even managed not to embarrass myself too much (called dancing is not a thing I do well. I need lots and lots of practice for that to work). I got a bit anxious and chickened out of a second dance, but I’m really glad I participated. Now I can say I danced at a ball in Bath!


I wore a new 1798-1800-ish white muslin dress, paired with a pink taffeta sleeveless spencer. I kept the accessories simple with a custom amethyst paste and chain necklace with matching earrings from Dames A La Mode, and my antique Georgian amethyst ring and brooch.

During the supper break there was a very memorable incident involving a champagne bottle and myself. Megan’s husband was opening a bottle well away from the group, but the cork exploded with such force that it actually sprayed backwards from the bottle, drenching me in the process. The room went quiet and everyone turned to stare. I know I looked a fright with champagne dripping off my face and hair. Thankfully, I was the only one to get wet, but I was completely soaked through down to my stays. Once the initial moment shock and embarrassment wore off, it was actually really hilarious. I mean, coming home reeking of stale booze is how you know you had a good time at the ball. And my dress and little spencer are just fine! A few spots, mainly on the inside, but amazingly not ruined.


Posted: 3/5/2017 7:22:29 PM by Aubry | with comments
Filed under: 1790s, events, travels
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Project Details

Little White Dress and Pink Spencer

