Now that I'm finished with my Titanic dinner outfits, I can focus on my next project - a pink striped polonaise jacket from the 1780s.
When my husband and I are in England next month, I have the opportunity to play dress up with a good costume friend. We decided on 18th century (being my current obsession) and obviously, I had nothing in my closet to wear. ;) I wanted something lightweight and easy to pack, so I settled on yet another jacket and petticoat combination. To challenge myself, I decided to try my hand at a "true" polonaise jacket, where the front over bodice cuts away from the body with no waist seam.
My main inspiration was this gorgeous jacket and petticoat combination:

Dress, ca 1785 France, Musee Galliera via
Old Rags
I love the tabbed front, the trimming, the cuffs and the stripes! So lovely!
I also love the skirt length on this jacket:
I'm using a really pretty pink, red, and white striped cotton lawn for my main fabric and for trimming I'm going to use white cotton voile. I love the light, fluffy trimmings you see so often in the late 1770s/early 1780s.
So far, I've made the petticoat, patterned the jacket and started construction.
3/30/2012 5:43:39 PM by
Aubry | with