My Blog » My Absinthe Robe

My Absinthe Robe

Because one costume is never enough! There will be an Absinthe Afterparty following the Titanic dinner I'm attending in a little over a week, and of course, that means I need a second change of clothes. My original thought was to wear my Aesthetic dress, but as comfortable as that dress is, I wanted something even more snuggly. Most days I'm bundled up in a "old man" sweater (as my husband says), so my idea of lounge wear is distinctly warm. The perfect soulution? A silk velvet robe!

I started with 3 yards of silk velvet I had in the stash. I bought this velvet back in 2004 (eeep!) when I was determined to make Arwen's Coronation gown from Return of the King. I dyed it the perfect shade of yellow spring green to match the movie, only to quickly realize that is a horrible color on me! The fabric then sat in the stash for nearly 8 years. I always had good intentions of overdying it and using it, but it took quite a while for the right project to come along.

To line the robe, I bought a printed silk/cotton blend from Thai Silks. Its really lovely stuff - lightweight, drapey and soft. It would make a fantastic blouse, if only I had bought more! I was worried that my washing machine dye job (one packet of turquiose dye) wouldn't match the print, but thankfully they coordinate nicely.

The pattern is also something I've had in the stash for ages. I bought it with the intentions of making a robe to wear around the house, but that was another project idea that took a long time to germinate. Its from the mid twenties, a good ten years too late for the Titanic, but the shape is so basic, it really didn't matter.

To wear under the robe I made a simple greek-style chiton-thingy, for lack of a better word. Its basically a tube tacked at the shoulders made from aqua silk charmeuse and chiffon. It's so unimpressive, that I didnt even take a picture. But it is comfortable and looks nice under the robe. For accessories, I will be wearing an amethyst glass and silver necklace (pictured) and a beaded double bandeau in my hair. I look like an extra from a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. ;)

Posted: 3/29/2012 10:57:09 AM by Aubry | with comments
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