My Blog » 2015 Sewing Year End Review

2015 Sewing Year End Review

Happy 2016 everyone! I do realize the last day of January is rather late to post a year end reivew, but since I haven't actually made a blog post since August, I'm not doing too bad.  It felt like I barely sewed anything this past year, but looking at it all written out, I was actually decently productive considering how much my arm has bothered me. I've spent the last couple of months with a new round of doctor visits, tests, and physical therapy, and I finally have a concrete diagnosis for my arm issues - cubitial and carpal tunnel in my right arm. Woo! It's nothing I haven't suspected for a long time, but having positive test results has helped the doctor and therapist formulate a better treatment plan. No scarey surgery for me yet, thank goodness, but I do have to be very careful how I treat my arm. But enough of that. On to sewing!

I know I say this a lot, but I think this is my favorite outfit ever.

Historic Costumes
Finished 1790s green sarcenet dress
Aqua and brown structured workbag
New regency stays
Plum linen regency apron
Regency cap, aka Cornette a la Paysane
Really terribly constructed redo of my print half robe
Printed regency dressing gown that I absolutely hated on me but looked adorable on Sara
1790s Lost Hope dress and ghetto petticoat
Embroidered garters for Megan
Cream figured silk structured workbag

1800 Suit for Nate  -
            1800 shirt
            1800 navy wool coat (minus buttonholes)
            1800 figured silk waistcoat (minus buttonholes)
            1800 linen waistcoat (minus guess what? Yep. Buttonholes.)

In progress – 1780s black ruffled capelet

Modern Sewing
5 pairs PJ pants
4 dresses from McCalls 6503 –
            Teal and pink atomic dot
            Navy windows
            Liberty print
            Brown floral
Teal print sundress for Megan’s wedding
Pink stripe Reglisse dress
Green dot chambray Anemone skirt
Blue floral Bruyere dress (one guess what it needs)

Costume Events
Francaise Dinner (March)
Regency House Party (June)
Costume College (August)
JASNA AGM (October)

I'll go in my upcoming costume plans in more detail later, but my goals for 2016 are pretty simple and similar to previous years. I want to focus on quality over quantity and make each project to the best of my ability. Physically, I have limited sewing capabilities at this point in my life, and I need to get out of the mindset of rushing from project to project just to have them finished. This is especially important for me to remember with modern clothes and accessories, which I all too often approach as easy or quick projects. I need to take my time with each project and make more muslins, because I'm always happier when I do.  It doesnt have to be perfect or overly complicated, but I shouldn't waste my limited sewing time. That and I need to stop buying fabric, as always.
Posted: 1/31/2016 12:00:32 PM by Aubry | with comments
Filed under: year end review
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