My Blog » Plans for 2014

Plans for 2014

So what is on the agenda for 2014? I’m still plugging away on the riding habit, but I have to put it aside for now to start a new project.

I don’t have many events planned this year but do have an 18th century dinner coming up in March. Theoretically, I could wear one of my finished francaises but that is so boring! I love making francaises and this is the perfect excuse for a new one. I have a gorgeous chocolate brown silk brocade in my stash that will be perfect for a 1760s francaise. I only have 6 yards, but thankfully the store had a little left in stock and four more yards are on their way to me. Now I don’t have to worry about piecing and I can trim it to my heart’s content!

I love the vertical lines of gathered trim down the front and simple ruffle on the petticoat. The brocade is gorgeous on its own but since this is an evening event I don’t want to leave it completely untrimmed. I think this simple trim scheme will be perfect. It will let the fabric shine but add a bit of interest.  Now I just have to figure out how I want to trim the stomacher.
My next event isn’t until Costume College in August. I plan to finish the riding habit as soon as I make a new francaise, and will hopefully wear it at Costume College. I also definitely want to make my court gown for gala. Other than that, I’m just going to let my inspiration decide my projects for the rest of the year!

Posted: 1/13/2014 12:29:08 PM by Aubry | with comments
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Project Details

Chocolate Brocade Francaise

