My Blog » 18th Century Hair and Wig Styling

18th Century Hair and Wig Styling

No doubt if follow any costume blogs you've heard all about the 18th century hair styling book Kendra has put together. Depsite this, I have to add my two cents.

To say I'm excited for Kendra's book is a major understatement. History and pretty pictures of hair is wonderful, but step by step instructions too? For people who are terrible at doing hair this is an amazing, amazing reasource! I'm so thrilled to have a guide to help me, finally!

As to the quality of the content, I know first hand it will be top notch. I've taking several hair classes from Kendra at Costume College, both practical techniques, as well as the social hisotry of 18th century hair, and I've always been impressed by her skills as a meticulous researcher. I cant thank her enough for sharing her knowlege, and putting in such hard work to share it with the rest of the costuming world!

So if you are at all interested in the 18th century, you can preorder the book here!

Posted: 1/14/2014 10:46:06 PM by Aubry | with comments
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