My Blog » Rose Française - Plans and Inspiration

Rose Française - Plans and Inspiration

My first project of 2012 is a new Robe a la Française made from some gorgeous rose silk taffeta. I’m attending an 18th century dinner at the beginning of February, and while I have a perfectly good Française already, I couldn’t resist the urge to make a new one. It’s been three years since I made the aqua Française and I’ve worn it at least half a dozen times so I don’t feel that guilty.

(My main inspiration from the Kyoto book Fashion)
I was intrigued by Katherine’s Française tutorial based off of the diagram in The Cut of Women’s Clothes. Instead of a separate waist seam it has a vertical dart that runs from bust to waist, easing the bodice fabric into the skirt. However, the diagram is dated 1740-50, much earlier than my target of 1760-65. By the 1760s most dresses were being cut with a separate waist seam at the front. I did this with my aqua Française and while I like the look, I really wanted to try a new type of construction. I’m more attracted to the later trimming style though.  A search through my costume library confirmed the idea that most of the 1760s were cut with a waist seam, however, I found two dresses from the MET that have the vertical dart and they are dated much late. That’s good enough for me!

(1760-70 Met)

(1765 Met)
I’m going to trim the dress with self fabric ruffles. I want to have a row of gathered scalloped trim running down the robings and front of the skirt. Then I will add either a twisted fan ruffle or just a scalloped design down the side of the skirt. The petticoat will also be trimmed with a knee high ruffle and a row of gathered trim and ruffle on the bottom.

(1760 Met)

(1760 KCI)

Posted: 1/1/2012 6:50:56 PM by Aubry | with comments
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Project Details

Rose Francaise

