Next up we have sleeves!
For the sleeves, I used the pattern on page of Patterns of Fashion II as a base. They are lined in lightweight linen and I cheated and used the machine to sew the inner seam. I did set them in the 18thcentury style, though. First the bottom 2/3 of the arm scythe was sewn on the machine, then the sleeve cap was pleated to fit and the shoulder seam allowance turned under and backstitched on top of the pleats.

The bottom of the sleeves sewn before they were pleated.

Setting the sleeves - inside view.

The topstitched pleats.
The sleeve ruffles were made using the same pattern. I cut them out using scalloped shears and fray-checked the edges since they are in an area that will get a lot of wear. Each ruffle was then gathered and sewn onto the sleeve hem with a combination stitch.

Cut out sleeve ruffles.
1/26/2012 4:06:46 PM by
Aubry | with