Remember me? Seriously, long time not post. It’s been well over a year since I’ve written anything on here, but I’m hoping to be a bit better about that in 2017.

Me in costume at the Pump Room in Bath!!!
2016 was a rough year personally, but I also had some wonderful experiences and made some things I’m very proud of so I’d like to celebrate that. I have blog posts written and photos to share for each project, look for those in the coming months, but for now here is a list.
Completed Projects-
Little Pink Spencer
Teal Wool Spencer
Block Print Wrapper
New Little White Dress circa 1800
1790s Blue Star Silk Open Robe
1780s Ridiculously Fluffy Cap
1780-1782 Grey Riding Habit
1780s Pink Linen Stays
Plum Aviary Print McCalls 6503 Dress
Dotted Chambray Zinnia Skirt
In Progress Projects-
1780s Black Ruffled Capelet (yes, I’m still working on this…very slowly.)
Blue Spotted 1780s jacket from the B&T workshop
Costume Events and Travel –
England and Scotland trip, complete with a week in Bath which included a ball, tea at the Pump Room, and boating in costume. Plus, multiple visits to see extant clothing.
Louisville Jane Austen Festival
Costume College
Burnley and Trowbridge Jacket Workshop and Colonial Williamsburg visit
I’m not making any specific goals for 2017 other than to keep working to the best of my ability and respect my physical limitations. I want to spend with awesome people I love and I want to continue to push myself and grow. Simple, no?
2/11/2017 5:08:18 PM by
Aubry | with