My Blog » And I'm back!

And I'm back!

In my last post I mentioned I had a busy few weeks coming up but I didnt anticipate just how busy I would be! I've had almost no time for sewing or blogging but I'm trying to back to to my sewing room and have some fun posts planned. Fingers crossed the holiday season doesnt kill me and I can follow through on my plans!

After finishing up a commission, I was finally able to start my new rididing habit this week. I patterned the waistcoat using the pattern I made for my previous riding habit, drafting out the lapels and raising the the neckline. Since this waistcoat will button all the way to my throat, I also had to add in a dart at the bustline, like you see on the habit in Patterns of Fashion.

I've started the assembly and hope to finish the waistcoat in the next week. The back is one layer of linen with lacing for adjustability, and the front is heavy silk satin, flat lined in linen, and the front is interlined with cotton organdy. The joining seams were sewn on the machine and then felled by hand. I still need to add a pink satin facing, add buttonholes, and figure out what kind of buttons to to use. But its nice to be making some progress!

Posted: 12/4/2013 4:14:03 PM by Aubry | with comments
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