My Blog » Last Finished Project of 2012

Last Finished Project of 2012

2012 is almost at a close and before I do my end of the year review (and its massive), I wanted to share the last 100% finished project of the year.

Since the weeks around Christmas are always so hectic, I decided to work on a new cap for Williamsburg, namely something pretty enough to wear while lounging around. Inspired by the maid's cap in this 1775 painting by Pehr Hilleström, I used the Kannik's Korner pattern as a base, modifying it to look more like the cap in the picture. The cap is 100% hand sewn (gasp!). The body is made from fine handkerchief linen, trimmed with antique lace ruffles and finished with teal silk ribbon.

(A helper showed up every time I tried to take a picture.)

Posted: 12/31/2012 3:59:19 PM by Aubry | with comments
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