Despite an injured arm, I did manage to draft a pattern for my Victorian Naturalist skirt and get the skirt to wearable state this week.

I used the 6 panel skirt from Period Costume for Stage and Screen as my base pattern. I added a little more fullness to the gores, maybe too much, but on the whole I'm pleased. I love A-line shape of the skirt and the way the soft pleats run down the sides.The front, side front, and side back pieces are angled towards the back, while the center back is just one straigt piece. Also, the sides are pleated and the center back is tightly gathered. You can see the general pattern shapes here:
Originally, I was going to add three ruffles to the bottom hem of the skirt, but I kind of like the simplicity of the skirt as is. I know its not very Victorian to have an undecorated skirt, and I cant decide if its my own personal aesthetic that tends to leave things untrimmed or just my laziness. What do you think? Ruffles, yes or no?
8/25/2011 4:31:04 PM by
Aubry | with