My Blog » The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Wow! I go on vacation and come home to three blog awards! Kendra, Maggie, and Rebecca and Ashley from A Fashionable Frolick all nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank you! I feel very honored!

The Rules:
1. Display the award and link back to the person who nominated you.
2. State 7 facts about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 bloggers for the award.
4. Notify the winners.
Picking 7 non-costume related facts is much harder than it sounds but I’m making the effort!
  1.  I am a creature of routine. I have a morning ritual and a bedtime one and when these are disrupted I feel like my whole day is off.
  2.  I am naturally cold-blooded, like a lizard. I have a hard time regulating my body temperature so I’m usually freezing and get very easily overheated. I know if I’m comfortable, everyone else is miserable.
  3. I’m a hot drink addict. From fall to spring I drink about 4-6 cups a day. It used to be strictly tea, but over the past few years I’ve grown to love coffee. I have a cup every morning and then switch to tea for the rest of the day.
  4.  I make up songs about my cats. Usually, this involves simply inserting their names into an existing tune, but sometimes I get creative. They seem to enjoy my crooning. Maybe it’s their latent narcissism.
  5.   I’m a terrible speller but I have a very large vocabulary. I annoy my husband by throwing out random and archaic “big words” in conversation.
  6.  I took French classes nearly every semester for 8 years but I still can’t speak it. I can usually read it, but my pronunciation is horrible and I have a hard time forming sentences in my head. I think my brain is just not wired for speaking languages.
  7.  I really want learn to play a musical instrument. I always regretted not learning one as a child (though I did sing in the school choir for 6 years). I’m currently trying to convince my husband I need a harp or a lyre.
Since I’m so late replying to this award, I’m not going to bother with trying to find all new people to nominate. Instead I’m going to list a few of the people who either inspired me to get into historical costuming or who continually amaze me with their work (in no particular order):
  1.  Gilded Garb – my costuming partner in crime. Sara is always ready to join me in a crazy project and more often than not we end up matching unintentionally. Plus, I’m always amazed at how quickly she can make fabulous things with two kids and full time job.
  2.  The Fashionable Past – One of the first historical costumers I followed online and was inspired by, I’m now privileged to call her a friend in real life.  The thing I love most about Katherine is how willing she is to share her knowledge with others. She will tackle a crazy project then strip in public to show you how she did it. ;)
  3.  Jenny La Fleur – Another of my early costume inspirations turned close friend (ask her how she thought I was a crazy fan girl ;)). Jenny-Rose is one of the most generous people I know, and I’m always impressed by the amazing fit she gets on all her costumes. I can only aspire to fit like her one day!
  4. Costumer’s Guide – I think Maggie was the first costumer I started following online after I found her Lord of the Rings costume pages. Not only does she make great movie reproductions and now historical costumes, I’m also continually inspired by her varied interests and her ability to do so many different things well.
  5. Démodé – Another of my early historical costume inspirations, Kendra site has always be an invaluable source of inspiration and construction detail. I’ve been lucky to take several of her classes at Costume College and they have been equally educational and accessible.
  6.  WearWhenWhy – Leia always impresses me with her beautifully detail work and her ability to create a historical look as whole. Not only is she a fabulous costumer, she is genuinely nice and one of those people who are just fun to be around.
  7.  Festive Attyre – Jen’s site has always been a major source of inspiration and research for me. Jen not only makes gorgeous outfits from different eras, but she always perfectly accessorizes them.
  8. Before the Automobile – I can only dream of being this talented one day! The caliber of the work and amazing construction detail is truly impressive and I’ve found her posts immeasurably helpful on several projects.
  9. Idlewild Illustre – Gwendolyn is a very talented costumer who also happens to be an amazing artist!
  10.  Scene in the Past – Super sweet in real life, Ginger publishes detailed, well-researched posts about each project, which are full of great construction information. I love all her historical costumes but her perfectly styled vintage outfits are my favorite!
There are so many more costumers and friends out there who inspire and amaze me on a daily basis, but I’m going to stop at 10. I just want to say thank you all for sharing your work with the world!

Posted: 4/12/2013 5:51:41 PM by Aubry | with comments
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