October Outerwear, Part 1

October 17, 2012 - comments

Fall is here, and with it chilly weather, so naturally my thoughts have been turning to warm clothing. In my current wardrobe, I have my teal silk mantle, but that’s not good for rain, and a cardinal red wool cloak that clashes with all my outfits.  Clearly I need some new outerwear for my upcoming trip to Wiliamsburg in March.


18th Century Teal Short Cloak

October 20, 2011 - comments
I've been having a hard time deciding what to work on lately. You see, I have a very bad case of CADD (Costumer's ADD). I dont have any pressing deadlines so I have to motivation to stick with one project. Its a weakness, I know. With that in mind, I started my latest finished project on a whim one day last week. I suddenly had a strong urge to make a fancy 18th century short cloak. I wanted something that would be nice for spring or fall. A quick rummage through my stash and this is what I came up with:

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